
Unit 1

페이지 정보

작성자 Ryangkyung 작성일15-05-12 22:01 조회2,747회 댓글0건


1. adjacent

synonyms: alongside

2. alight (v.) to get down from; (adj.) lighted up

synonyms: (v.) dismount

antonyms: (v.) mount

3. barren

synonyms: sterile[|sterəl], desolate[|desələt]​, arid[|ӕrɪd]

4. disrupt: to break up, disturb

synonyms: upset, displace​

5. dynasty

synonyms: regime[reɪ|Ʒi:m]

6. foretaste: (n.) an advance indication, sample, or warning

7. germinate: ​(v.) to begin to grow, come into being

synonyms: shoot up, burgeon

antonyms: stagnate, shrivel up

8. humdrum: (adj.) ordinary, dull, routine, without variation

synonyms: uneventful, prosaic[prə|zeɪɪk],

antonyms​: exhilarating

9. hurtle: (v.)to rush violently, dash headlong; to fling or hurl forcefully

synonyms: catapult[|kӕtəpʌlt]​, fling

10. insinuate: (v.) to suggest or hint slyly; to edge into something indirectly

synonyms: intimate [|ɪntɪmət]

antonyms: barge in

11. interminable: (adj.) endless, so long as to seem endless

antonyms: fleeting

12. interrogate

synonyms: query

13. recompense: (v.) to pay back; to give reward; (n.) a payment for loss, service, or injury

14. renovate

15. résumé

16. sullen: (adj.) silent or brooding because of ill humor, anger, or resentment; slow moving, sluggish

synonyms: surly[|s3:rli]​, morose [mə|roʊs]

antonyms: blithe[blaɪð], vivacious [vɪ|veɪʃəs​]

17. trickle: (v.) to flow or fall by drops or in a small stream; (n.) a small, irregular quantity of anything

synonyms: (v.) dribble, drizzle

antonyms: (v.) gush; ​(n.) deluge[|delju:dƷ]

18. trivial

synonyms: petty, trifling

antonyms: weighty, momentous

19. truce: (n.) a pause in fighting, temporary peace

synonyms: cease-fire, armistice [|ɑ:rmɪstɪs]

​20. vicious: (adj.) evil, bad; spiteful; having bad habits; painfully severe or extreme

synonyms: wicked, malicious, savage[|sӕvɪdƷ]


More vocabulary

binding:  imposing an obligation


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